Friday, August 3, 2018


Last night we had another amazing lightning show all around us. The sky is so wide and open you can see the flashes of lightning from miles away. I think this must be some kind of record, we've had rain every single night! It becomes windy around the time they light up the barbecue, and the lightning and thunder starts at dinner time, then it starts to rain each night at bedtime. In the morning it's clear with an amazing pink and blue sunrise. Of course, Kathe and I are the only ones up at that hour to enjoy it. No body else seems to open their eyes till 8 or 9 o'clock. By that time I'm curled up and back to sleep.

Today, while I kept an eye on the rabbits in the campground, everyone else went to the town of Los Alamos to visit the two museums. There have been lots of changes to the History Museum since the last time they were here. They have new interesting photos and exhibits and  several buildings have been restored to tell the story of the people involved in the Manhattan Project and the community of Los Alamos. Included in the information about the area is a homestead cabin and an ancient Pueblo ruin.

The larger Bradbury Science Museum is just down the street and with very interesting exhibits promoting interest in science and technology.  There were two films, hands on exhibits, and photographs about the "Project" and models of the first atomic bombs. This is a picture of Fat Boy, one of the bombs that helped end World War II.

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