Saturday, August 1, 2015

Yesterday and Today

Yesterday we were having so much fun in McCall that I forgot to write my blog.  So I will try to catch you up tonight.

The one in the back does all the work
Kathe and Jim rented kayaks yesterday morning with Darlene and Richard and went up to Payette River for a little adventure. The river was so calm and peaceful and there were lots of beautiful trees all along both banks. They paddled up the river for about an hour and had a lot of laughs. There were people of all ages on paddle boards, canoes and kayaks on the river. Then after the kayak trip they went to North Shore and found a picnic cove to enjoy lunch on the banks of the river.

Later that day they went to Darlene and Richard's condo for a delicious dinner and to play cards.  It was our last night in McCall and we've have such fun with our friends that it was hard for Kathe and Jim to say goodbye.  In fact they didn't say goodbye until almost midnight so I couldn't get Kathe to turn on the computer for me last night!  All she wanted to do was hop into bed!
Payette River

Today we left McCall really early (10 AM) and headed down to Caldwell, Idaho to the Ambassador RV Resort.  We wanted to get here early enough to visit with our friends from Los Angeles who moved here three years ago. Bob and Carol now live in Meridian, a town about 15 minutes down the road from this RV Park.

Since they had never seen our motor home I gave them a tour and showed them how to make all my toys squeak. I sat in Carol's lap while the people were talking and catching up on all the news.  By the time they left I was ready for my nap, so I didn't mind that they didn't take me out to dinner with them.

We are only here in Caldwell for one night and must get up early again tomorrow for the long, boring drive to Winnamucca, Nevada.

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