Friday, August 7, 2015

At the Beach

The dunes are really fun
Sorry I didn't post anything last night.  I was having too much fun visiting with my friends here in Pismo Beach.  My BDF, Layla is here with her people and a whole lot of my people best friends are here too.  I have been going from lap to lap getting as much loving as possible and it's been really fun. I have a lot of really great people friends!

This is our last stop on this trip and we are camping at the Pismo Dunes RV Resort.  There is lots of things to explore here including about one million holes in the dirt that smell like squirrel.  Layla and I have been sticking our noses in all the holes hoping that something will pop out, but so far no luck.

As far as I can tell, all the humans here are just eating, drinking and laughing.  Guess that makes them happy, but I prefer walking the dunes and sinking my paws into the sand.  It's best in the early morning when the sand is cool and there are fewer people around.  Kathe and I went up to watch the sunset tonight, but there were so many other people and dogs that we didn't stay long.  Sunrise is so much better,  I hope I can get her up early enough tomorrow to watch it.

I'm inside now,even though the party is still going strong outside.  Some idiot is shooting off fireworks and you know how I feel about that.  I came inside and got my thunder shirt on and took a calming pill and as soon as I finish writing this I'm going straight under the bed for the rest of the night.

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