Sunday, July 27, 2014

Lazy Day in Chico

First, let me say it's hot, hot, hot!  It was 87 at 6 AM when I got up and that was the coolest part of the day.  Add in my fur do the math!  I spent the whole day inside,  lying on the tile floor  with the air conditioning blasting.  Walk? No thanks.  I'll just run out to that shady tree and get things done as quickly as possible and then it's back to the A/C for this little puppy.

My people slept in until 9, ate breakfast and decided to see the sights of Chico.  They went to the Bidwell House, a 10,000 sq. ft. Victorian mansion built in 1868.  John Bidwell led the first overland expedition to California when he was 22 years old.  He struck gold here on the Feather River near Oroville and bought 26,000 acres in 1860 and founded the town of Chico.  The three story mansion has over 13 bedrooms and had running water and indoor plumbing which was a novelty for that era.  Jim was especially interested in the "elephant" toilet in the master bathroom.  Much of the original property is now the second largest urban park in the nation, and the home of Chico State University.  The mansion is now a California State Park.

After the hour long tour, Jim found a great Mexican Restaurant for lunch and then it was time to go wine tasting.  In Oroville they found the Long Creek Winery and Ranch.  They enjoyed the wines and also tasted some delicious Angus beef which was also sold at the winery.  Can't wait to taste the steak they brought home.

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