We have Internet!!!
For the past week Kathe and Jim have had me in such remote places we've had no, or slow Internet. Today we are in Chico, California and I have one word to say about it: CIVILIZATION! We have cell and Internet service and I can finally start to tell you about my adventures.

Yesterday we were in the "Gold Country" staying at the 49er RV Resort in Plymouth. We had a great visit with Jim's cousin, Gary Riha, who lives near here. The cousins haven't seen each other in 40 years so they had a lot of catching up to do. The RV park was adjacent to the Amador County Fair so while I stayed in the air conditioned coach they all went to see antique tractors, sheep, goats and pigs. I smelled hot dog on a stick on Jim's breath when he came home!
You can see that there were plenty of ducks in the park for me to chase, but because the temperature was 97 degrees, my heart really wasn't into it.
The three humans went out to dinner at the Imperial Hotel in Amador City. The hotel was opened in 1879 during the gold rush and has been historically restored.
Well, back to the fire and rain! We've had rain in Bridgeport and Lake Tahoe and last night we had fire in Plymouth.
We saw a plume of smoke last night and when we woke up this morning it was like a foggy day at the beach. Only we couldn't breathe. We left Plymouth a day early and will be here in Chico for next three days.