Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wine Country

I didn't work on my blog yesterday because once we arrived at the Wine Country RV Resort in Paso Robles, every one got LAZY!  I spent a little time in the dog park before taking a nice long nap in the air conditioned coach.  It's really hot here during the day but it cools down at night.  Jim and Kathe went to the pool and did five loads of wash at the same time.  The pool is right next to the laundry room so that worked out just fine.

Today we all got hair cuts.  I went to the groomer and even though Kathe told the lady NOT to cut my hair, all the hair on my tail has disappeared. I'm clean and fluffy in all the right places, so I guess I shouldn't complain.  Jim had his hair cut by a tattooed lady and it's short and very conservative.  The lady that cut Kathe's hair did a good job, but it is really short.  Oh well, I guess it will all grow back.

While I was at the groomer Kathe and Jim went tasting at Eagle Castle, J. Lohr, and La Vinge Wineries.   Of course they had to buy some more wine as all the wine that they brought with them on this trip is gone and the trip isn't over yet.

Tomorrow we leave for Pismo Beach to meet up with about 55 members of our RV Club for a four day rally before we really have to head back home.  It's been a really fun trip...let's start planning the next one.

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