Thursday, September 5, 2024


Jim and Kathe woke me up this morning at 5 AM. Now that’s a switch. It’s so noisy here that neither one of them could sleep. There was a period between 2 and 5 AM when there weren’t quite as many big rigs flying by on the interstate. They had to get up at 5:30 anyway to take the coach in for a 7 o’clock appointment at Freightliner. They were going to run a diagnostic procedure to see what was needed to fix or replace the DEF sensor. We three spent all morning waiting to hear the verdict. I spent the morning waiting on the floor of the driver’s lounge.

Meanwhile before we knew what was going to happen, the humans were working on all sorts of plans in case the coach wasn’t drivable. One plan had Kathe flying home without me, another plan had them leaving the coach here in Eugene and driving back home, a third plan was just to drive it as long as we could until the engine failed and then we would deal with the problem later. 

After half a day spent sitting in the drivers lounge they finally told us what we expected, that the DEF sensor head had to be replaced. Only problem with that idea was the that the part we need is out of stock and not available until sometime in October. As it happens Warren and Kathy had purchased a DEF sensor two years ago and stored it in case they needed it someday. It wasn’t exactly the right part, as the one we needed was an improved version. after another call to Tiffin to find out if we could use the older version, Freightliner agreed to install it. There’s no guarantee that it won’t fail too, but hopefully not until the new part is available. So thanks to Warren and Kathy we are back on track and will leave tomorrow for the Valley of the Rogue State Park


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