Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sorry, but I Was Having Fun

I haven't posted since we left the redwoods and the Benbow RV Resort, I just been having so much fun that I haven't had the time.

We have been in Santa Rosa visiting with family for three nights  We celebrated three birthdays with lots of delicious food and a big ice cream cake.  I sat under the table enjoyed some tasty treats which happened to fall my way.  We stayed out late every night so I was too tired to work on my blog.

One of the best things about staying in Santa Rosa (besides the family) is the path along Brush Creek.  It's a short walk from Kathe's brothers house and it's always an exciting adventure for me.  You meet all kinds of dogs and their people and there is something new every time we go there.  Once we saw otters in the creek and we always see lots of nesting ducks.  This time there were white egrets every morning on our sunrise walk.

On the first morning we saw a mother and two chicks, but of course Kathe didn't have her camera.  The second day she had a camera, but just when she was about to take the picture I saw another dog and jerked the leash and camera out of her hand.  The noise made the egret fly up into the tree. This morning she finally got a shot of the bird but the sun was already up so you can hardly see it in the picture.  Where's waldo?

I know now that we are really on the way home as the drive today was almost 200 miles and that means lots of time in the crate for me.  We're staying in Paso Robles for the next three nights.  I'm going to try to have as much fun as possible.  I'll rest when I get home.

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