Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Tonight is our last night on the road with the Taylors. Tomorrow morning we will split up and set out for home.  It’s been an incredible journey. The whole summer spent on the road traveling together and exploring Canada and Alaska. Incredible sights and interesting places like no where we have ever been before. Luckily I have recorded everything here in my blog and we can look back and remember each day of our wonderful journey.

Celebration tonight with a dinner at Harris Ranch and reminiscing about our amazing summer.

Monday, September 9, 2024


It’s really a hot one today, Jim had the air conditioning on at breakfast which is a first for us. Going outside for my walks is a real chore for Kathe and I. The heat is really unbearable for one thing and instead of grass around our sites there are rough lava stones that are so lumpy I can hardly walk on them. Kathe has been picking me up and carrying me various places to save my paws, but the concrete and asphalt are also too hot to walk on.  I’m pretty miserable and I want to be home. Only two more sleeps!

The humans spent the early morning on chores and a quick trip to the hardware store and Costco. Warren and Jim are fixing small projects and making lists of things that need to be replaced or repaired when we get back home. 

They did manage to find a winery and bistro less than a mile away. They had a delicious lunch and did some wine tasting at the Micheal David Winery. The wines must have been good as they brought home seven bottles between the two couples. The property was beautiful and they would have tasted wine outside in the garden if it hadn’t been so hot today. 

Tonight the cocktail is a Paloma. Tomorrow we leave for  Coalinga, our last stop before we split up and head for home.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


I made a mistake last night. We only stayed in Redding one night. It’s today we when we are in Lodi that we are staying two nights. We’re at Flag City RV Resort and 200 or so miles closer to home. Not much different than last night, still hot as tamales. It’s 104 here and they have all three air conditioners on. I was so hot last night that I slept on the tile floor, guess it will be the same tonight.

Most of the drive today was nice. Lots of oak trees and golden grass along both sides of the road. Then we started to see more agricultural activity, fruit and nut trees predominantly. As we got closer to the Sacramento Valley we started seeing large rice fields. And just then the roads started getting bumpy and rough just like we remembered.  And we said we wouldn’t complain about the Interstate 5 ever again, but here we are thinking about the roads in Canada.

It’s so hot no one is outside and I’m napping until it cools off tonight. Too bad dogs aren’t allowed in the pool.

Saturday, September 7, 2024


Getting closer to home everyday. Tonight and tomorrow we are in Redding,California. Remember when I was complaining about the cold and rainy weather? Well now I’m complaining about how hot and dry it is here in Redding. It’s 103 degrees and it’s time to blast on the air conditioning. Here’s a picture of Mt. Shasta with some snow on top, the most interesting sight on our drive today.

Very easy driving again today on Interstate 5. Only a little over 160 miles, on a smooth highway with a lot of curves and ups and downs. Our ears were popping with all the steep grades.

Not much to say today, we are just relaxing and thinking about home, it’s been a great trip but we have been away now for 96 days. The longest vacation ever! Only 3 more days to go.

Friday, September 6, 2024


There are so many fires here in Oregon that we have been seeing and smelling smoke for the last couple of days. Today as we were traveling through Canyonville we drove past yet another fire. There are so many active fires that the smoke is everywhere. Our air purifier is on full blast!

We settled down for tonight at the Valley of the Rogue State Park. Our last stop before entering California.  We have been at this park several times. It’s not too smoky, but it’s really hot. It’s 103 degrees and everything is dry and dusty.  Kathe is pretty upset with me for getting pine sap on all four paws within the first hour. The only thing to get pine sap out of your fur is mayonnaise or peanut butter. Hopefully tonight it will be peanut butter.

No problems with the drive today, everyone is breathing a sigh of relief. Not to say that we don’t have other mechanical issues. There is alway something to fix, and today it’s the passenger step cover that’s not working. Both Warren and Jim spent some time trying to fix it but it’s too hot and it will have to wait for another day.

We have been eating dinner outside the past few nights, what a change from the rain and cold weather in Alaska and Canada. No mosquitoes only yellow jackets here. Warren is cooking dinner and Kathy T is making peach daiquiris with the peaches we bought in Eugene.

Thursday, September 5, 2024


Jim and Kathe woke me up this morning at 5 AM. Now that’s a switch. It’s so noisy here that neither one of them could sleep. There was a period between 2 and 5 AM when there weren’t quite as many big rigs flying by on the interstate. They had to get up at 5:30 anyway to take the coach in for a 7 o’clock appointment at Freightliner. They were going to run a diagnostic procedure to see what was needed to fix or replace the DEF sensor. We three spent all morning waiting to hear the verdict. I spent the morning waiting on the floor of the driver’s lounge.

Meanwhile before we knew what was going to happen, the humans were working on all sorts of plans in case the coach wasn’t drivable. One plan had Kathe flying home without me, another plan had them leaving the coach here in Eugene and driving back home, a third plan was just to drive it as long as we could until the engine failed and then we would deal with the problem later. 

After half a day spent sitting in the drivers lounge they finally told us what we expected, that the DEF sensor head had to be replaced. Only problem with that idea was the that the part we need is out of stock and not available until sometime in October. As it happens Warren and Kathy had purchased a DEF sensor two years ago and stored it in case they needed it someday. It wasn’t exactly the right part, as the one we needed was an improved version. after another call to Tiffin to find out if we could use the older version, Freightliner agreed to install it. There’s no guarantee that it won’t fail too, but hopefully not until the new part is available. So thanks to Warren and Kathy we are back on track and will leave tomorrow for the Valley of the Rogue State Park


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Out of Washington today and into Oregon. A straight shot on interstate 5 with hardly a slowdown. We are checked into the Eugene Premier Resort. We have a very nice site overlooking the man made lake, but boy is it noisy. We’re about 100 yards off the Interstate and hoping things will quiet down later. Of course it doesn’t bother me because I can’t hear a single thing. Except maybe the refrigerator door being opened.

Unfortunately most of the day was spent calling repair places and trying to find out more information about our check engine light. We finally have an appointment tomorrow at Northwest Freightliner here in Coburg. They will run a diagnostic program tomorrow morning but they weren’t very optimistic about being able to service our power glide chassis. Kathe and Jim are still trying to find the solution. No one is very happy tonight as we try to figure out the next step on our journey home.

The weather is warm but there’s a lot of smoke in the air.